Saturday, 12 March 2011

Don Cosh history of Trenton Pictou Advocate article by me

Don Cosh Alex Chisholm's stores

The first photograph shows Alex Chisholm's second store built in 1895, located on the right side of Main St. heading south.The date of this photo with the white horse is 1912, (on a calendar sent to me by Woody Macdonald). The third picture is shown with a south attachment to the store between 1912 and the longer store(picture #2) in 1916 with an attachment on both ends.

This is the building that later became a pop manufacturing plant; Tennant Beverages and Coca Cola bottling plant. The south side of the building was added (as seen in another picture here) And the North end was added also. This picture shows what it looked like in 1916.

this building was made up of the original built in 1895, and two additions, one on each end, as shown in the 1916 picture with the telephone pole air brushed out.
In 1912 picture of Alex Chisholm's store, it is A. Chisholm only; in the next one, the one with the addition on the south end,same sign, but with an awning with alex Chisholm printed on it. notice the roof shade/colour on the addition. finally, by 1916, it reads A & A Chisholm on the new sign above the entrance

I believe this is Alex Chisholm's first store.   his first, in 1889. His large house with store underneath.It was located on the same side of chisholm's corner as the building built by A H King, which later became Ivan Fleet's building, which still stands My family lived there when I was about 11 and 12 in 1958- 59. I remember very well what we were doing the day the music died; that is the death of Buddy Holly. We were there when the Queen came to Trenton in 1959. I remember watching hockey and Rocket Richard. After the Cosh family moved, no one else moved in, and Alex's grandson, I think, Robert Chisholm, had it torn down in 1962, or at least town records indicate he was given permission to have it demolished. 

Alex Chisholm